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Exposing Britain’s Social Evils

Emily Dugan

Emily Dugan, The Independent’s Social Affairs Editor, has been responsible for a succession of scoops, campaigns and investigations which demonstrate her powerful sense of social justice and a tenacious determination to correct wrongs however vested the interests she is challenging. Emily’s reporting almost single-handedly force the Government to reverse its iniquitous court charges (whereby innocent defendants were often left with no choice but to plead guilty just to avoid this injust imposition). Over a period of months she exposed case after case of unfairness, stirred up massive dissent among lawyers and magistrates and eventually was able to report that Michael Gove was reversing the policy. This was a triumph of relentless digging and it is only because of Emily’s sense of mission and her refusal to give up that a policy so brazenly unjust has finally been consigned to history.

Journalistic Writing

Social Media Content

Financial Times Team (Sally Gainsbury, Sarah Neville, John Burn-Murdoch)

We set out to move beyond the emotional claim and counter-claim which has characterised the debate over the impact of government spending cuts. To do this, we carried out an extensive, and ground-breaking, analysis of data from every local authority to measure the effect of the reductions on people’s lives. We discovered how many fewer elderly people were being looked after by social services, how many more homeless children were being accommodated in B&Bs and how much less was being spent on each child at risk of abuse and neglect. To fill what we regarded as a serious gap in public understanding, we then created an interactive feature which automatically detects where the reader is, presenting a personalised snapshot of the story and allowing him or her to discover what has happened to services in their localities over the past five years.

Journalistic Writing

Social Media Content

Nicci Gerrard

Nicci Gerard is a novelist and author of Soham: A Story Of Our Times. She also writes with her partner Sean French as Nicci French. With nearly one million Britons in the grip of dementia, it’s hardly surprising that writers and artists should increasingly tackle the subject. But can the arts ever illuminate a condition that by its very nature resists all understanding?


Submitted articles

Alys Harte, Jonathan Coffey and Andrew Head

It’s Britain’s housing benefit scandal. Nine billion pounds of taxpayers’ money goes to private landlords every year in housing benefit. It should help some of the country’s poorest people secure decent housing, but rogue landlords are milking the system while their tenants live in squalor. In a documentary described by the housing charity Shelter as a “masterpiece” and “the best expose of this issue” yet, Alys Harte investigated some of the country’s worst landlords – and the vast sums of money they’ve been getting from the UK taxpayer. Undercover filming and amateur footage obtained by Panorama uncovered properties with cockroach infestations, leaking raw sewage, chronic damp, cell-like rooms, and lethal fire hazards. Working with Director/ Producer Jonathan Coffey and Executive Producer, Andrew Head, this was Alys Harte’ s first film as reporter for Panorama. In recent years, Alys has made documentaries on subjects including illegal dumping and organised crime in Northern Ireland, access to abortion services in Ireland, female violence, and riots resulting from loyalist marching bands in Belfast. She has worked as a journalist in television current affairs at the BBC for eight years.

Journalistic Writing

Video Content

The HSBC Files Journalists (David Leigh, James Ball, Juliette Garside and David Pegg)

Journalistic Writing

Video Content

Team from the London Evening Standard (David Cohen, Matt Writtle and Kiran Mensah)

This project was conceived, planned, led and written by David Cohen. However, the photography was a key part of the project. David worked exclusively with Matt Writtle, an experienced freelance photographer who has often partnered him on his Evening Standard special projects, and Kiran Mensah, who he recruited from the Angell Town estate where Kiran had spent much of his youth. Kiran is a freelance photographer who had studied photography at university but had never been published in the mainstream press until he joined the team. The three of them formed a close-knit team that spent many months on the estate.

Journalistic Writing


Social Media Content

Maeve McClenaghan

Maeve McClenaghan works for the Bureau of Investigative Journalism She tweets @MaeveMCC

Journalistic Writing

Audio Content

Penny Marshall and Disability News Service

This exclusive story had huge implications in relation to the DWP’s Work Capability assessments. ITV News’ story revealed the DWP procedure to assess 60 year old Michael O’Sullivan failed to follow correct procedure and several red flags which should have been picked up to alert the assessors to his serious mental health condition were missed leading to tragic consequences. Penny revealed that for the first time a coroner had directly linked a death to the DWP’s Work Capability Assessment. A significant finding. ITV News also revealed a leaked confidential DWP document showing the department’s response to the coroner which clearly showed the DWP admitting to its failings. Penny‘s story included an exclusive, moving interview with Mr O’Sullivan’s daughter, Anne Marie, who had never spoken about this before. It uncovered the failings by the DWP and the assessment and shone a light on this hugely important issue of how the DWP deals with people with mental health problems and the need to assess people with mental health problems sensitively, carefully and responsibly. MIND, a leading charity supporting people with mental health problems, praised ITV News’ work and called for an overhaul of the WCA.  The coverage led to the DWP admitting their fault publicly which they had never acknowledged before. Additional reporting by Disability News Service

Journalistic Writing

Video Content

Jackie Long, Job Rabkin and Lee Sorrell

In an exclusive and groud-breaking investigation spanning more than six months, Channel 4 News was the first news organisation to successfully go undercover inside Britain’s most notorious immigration detention centre.   Yarl’s Wood IRC in Bedfordshire holds up to 400 detainees, the vast majority are women facing deportation from the UK. For years, the centre, run by the security giant Serco, has been at the centre of claims of mistreatment of detainees. But despite multiple attempts, journalists had never succeeded in getting in.   A micro-camera kit was specially constructed to avoid detection from the considerable security measures in place. A team from Channel 4 News was close by at all times. The investigation uncovered:

  1. Racist and sexist and dismissive behaviour by some members of staff
  2. Detention of highly vulnerable people including the elderly and pregnant
  3. Appalling treatment of pregnant women including one who suffered a miscarriage
  4. A “culture of disbelief” among staff towards detainees with health issues
  5. Many incidents of self-harming by detainees
  6.  Issue of male officers intruding on women detainees
  7. Forced removals, including splitting a pregnant woman from her husband
  8. Issue of indefinite detention, including one woman who had been at YW for 3 years
  9. Worrying use of solitary confinement, restraint and violence against detainees

The impact of the investigation was swift and widespread in parliament and the media. Serco immediately launched an independent investigation, led by the eminent lawyer Kate Lampard, who had previously led an inquiry into Jimmy Saville. There was an angry debate in the House of Commons, with MPs of all parties condemning the conditions exposed by Channel 4 News. The Home Secretary Theresa May was accused of allowing the “state-sanctioned abuse of women.”  The Home Office said the issues raised in the report would be looked at by David Shaw, in a review of welfare in detention commissioned by the Home Office. As a result of the Channel 4 News revelations HM Prison Inspectorate sent inspectors into Yarl’s Wood in April for an extended period. Their damning report in August 2015 described Yarl’s Wood a “place of national concern”. It highlighted the plight of 99 pregnant women held at the centre and poor healthcare provision. It said Yarl’s Wood was “failing to meet the needs of the most vulnerable women held.” In January 2016, David Shaw’s report into welfare in detention was published. It called for an “absolute exclusion” of detention for pregnant women, an end to detention of the vulnerable including the elderly and called for the government to bring an end to indefinite detention altogether. It called for big improvements to the healthcare provision and an end to the “culture of disbelief” among staff towards detainees with medical and mental health issues. It also said searches of women and women’s rooms should only be undertaken “in the most extreme and pressing circumstances.” At the same time, Kate Lampard published her report which was a direct response to our investigation. Her report said management, staffing levels and training at YW needed to be dramatically improved. It highlighted “serious concerns with staffing arrangements” and concluded there had been “serious incidents of inappropriate behaviour and individual cases of mistreatment and abuse of residents by staff.” She also found that there were weaknesses in the safeguarding of vulnerable detainees and urged Serco to address the problem. As a result of the investigation, 6 detention officers were suspended. Two were dismissed, and one resigned before the investigation took place. All staff at Yarl’s Wood were issued with body cameras to record and prevent abuse, and stair wells were boxed in to stop detainees from self-harming.

Journalistic Writing

Video Content

Alison Holt

Alison has a long track record of reporting on the realities of life for some of the most vulnerable people in our society, using her detailed knowledge of social care to expose a system that is under pressure. In Undercover Elderly Care: Behind Closed Doors, a Panorama special broadcast in BBC1 prime time, Alison worked with producer Joe Plomin, undercover reporter Alex Lee and assistant producer Ceri Isfryn to put together a powerful programme showing the human cost of poor care. The programme led to a parliamentary debate, widespread national media coverage and the sacking of seven staff at an Essex care home. Social care experts say the programme helped shape the Care Quality Commission’s new inspection regime and describe it as ground-breaking for the way in which it charts the impact on individuals of day to day poor care. This is the third Panorama film on care that Alison has made with producer Joe Plomin in the past three years. The Hospital that Stopped Caring (October 2012) looked at the system failures that allowed abuse at Winterbourne View Hospital for people with learning disabilities and autism to go unchecked. Elderly Care: Condition Critical (June 2013) looked at increases in deaths in homes where poor care was suspected. All three of these films got extremely high audience appreciation ratings. In addition to reporting on what Behind Closed Doors uncovered for all main BBC radio and television news outlets, Alison continued to follow the different strands of the story for the BBC’s flagship TV news programmes at Six and Ten. Three care workers have since been arrested and charged at the Essex home and at another home, Orchid View, a serious case review spelt out the failings that had led to the deaths of some elderly residents. In the last year, Alison has also reported on the pressures faced by home care staff and the failure to move people with learning disabilities closer home.  The stories included in this entry are just a selection of a wide range of stories Alison has done on the care of the elderly and vulnerable in the last year, among them reports on the impact of loneliness and worries over social care funding. It shows a continuing determination to ensure the voices of some of the most marginalised in society are heard.



  • Diary of a home care worker – BBC Radio 4, “PM”, 12/1/2014
  • Essex care home sackings – BBC Radio 4, six o’clock news, 4/30/2014

Nick Mathiason


A Great British Housing Crisis exposes how developers, despite making record profits, reduce their affordable housing obligations at a time of intense need. This long-read was researched over a 12 month period. It uses innovative web technology to create what I hope you think is a well-crafted story of systemic social policy failure that blights the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Britain today. The first half of the investigation ran on Vice News: It also ran as a page lead in the Guardian: The Guardian story prompted a full Guardian editorial three days later: The long-read was also referred to in an Observer editorial: A Radio 4 File on Four has also been commissioned on the back of my work which will air after the election. The Labour party has indicated to the Bureau that if it gets into power it will fundamentally reform the viability system to make it more transparent as shown at the end of this Bureau story: The Bureau also broadcast an engaging podcast hosted by BBC radio stalwart Owen Bennett-Jones which featured a housebuilder, a councillor who sits on a planning committee and Nick. The final written submission is a piece I wrote analysing the affordable housing delivery record of Britain’s most powerful landowners: the Crown Estate and the Duchy of Cornwall. These two historic estates have plans to build 4,300 homes in 31 schemes. The Bureau found over half the schemes being built by the Crown estate fail to meet local affordable housing targets. Prince Charles’ Duchy of Cornwall fared slightly better but by trawling through planning papers we found the Duchy had backtracked on affordable housing commitments in a number of cases. The story ran as a page lead in the Observer (submitted) The Bureau published a longer version which also examined the affordable delivery record of the Church Commissioners and the Duchy of Westminster. Our full data analysis is here I also wrote a piece asking why can’t the Crown estate become a social landlord? This ran on the Huffington Post Members of the Treasury and DCLG Select Committees have subsequently expressed their intention to bring these issues directly to the attention of the Crown Estate.  

Journalistic Writing

A Great British Housing Crisis – 12/15/2014, Bureau of Investigative Journalism Top 10 housebuilders to rake in £2.1bn in 2014 – 12/28/2014, The Guardian Royal estates ‘fail to meet targets to build affordable homes’ – 2/9/2014, The Observer  


Britain’s Affordable Housing Crisis: The Inside Story – 12/15/2014, Soundcloud

Randeep Ramesh


This series of pieces in news story, video and data blog format which exposed how bookmakers have targeted poorer areas with high speed, high stakes gambling machines. The Guardian’s revelations about violence, money laundering and problem gambling associated with these terminals put the issue on the government’s agenda, forcing ministers to act.


Journalistic Writing

England’s poorest bet £13bn on gambling machines – 2/28/2014, The Guardian David Cameron set to announce crackdown on gambling machines – 4/6/2014, The Guardian More than third of betting machine players experience problems with gambling – 12/10/2014, The Guardian  


FOBTs: ‘the crack cocaine of gambling’ – video – 4/6/2014, The Guardian

Steve Connor


Steve Connor is the Science Editor of The Independent and i. He has won many awards for his journalism, including five-times winner of the prestigious British science writers’ award; the David Perlman Award of the American Geophysical Union; four times highly commended as specialist journalist of the year in the UK Press Awards; UK health journalist of the year and a special merit award of the European School of Oncology for his investigations into the tobacco industry. Taken from The Independent

Journalistic Writing

The Lost Girls  – 1/15/2014, The Independent  


I had to terminate my pregnancies…. – 3/15/2014, The Independent

Edward Docx


At the age of 14, Karl appeared on the front page of The Daily Mail as the leader of the MAD gang in Brixton pointing an automatic weapon at the camera. He was the leader of one of the most violent and feared gangs in London. He was involved in serious knife and gun crime. He was witness to several murders. Quite literally, he carries the scars. On the day the first interview of the piece was supposed to happen, Edward Docx received the following text: “A very close friend of mine was stabbed severely in the chest yesterday and passed away an hour ago. I’m in the hospital now and won’t be able to meet with you.” Understandably, at this point, Karl stopped taking calls and responding to all communications. When, finally, the connection was re-established, Karl remained reluctant and afraid of both the police and current gang members. The process of building trust was fragile and had to be conducted slowly, patiently and sensitively. The idea for the piece was simple: to render Karl’s world through Karl’s eyes. By approaching the piece in this way, Docx hoped to portray the subject as resonantly as possible without sacrificing the detail and intimacy which the rhetoric around gang-culture so often swamps. From a stylistic point of view, Docx hoped to relay the intensity of Karl’s experience by using the semi-formal idea of a dialogue – but one that took place in the locations of the events described, including the recent murders. In this way, he hoped the emergent story might be clearer and the subject drained of distortions. In the background were two further ideas: first, to tell the story of a demographic that is very seldom told; and second, to capture a slice of life in the capital of Britain in 2014 three miles down the road from the Houses of Parliament. The piece seeks to ask questions and to illuminate. It reports on tragedy but also on redemption. It is a personal story, but it reveals and re-presents a part of our culture. In the best tradition of British journalism, it bears intelligent witness. Most of all, it deserves as wide an audience as possible. To this end – Prospect Magazine worked with Docx to promote the piece across as many social media platforms as possible and it was widely circulated, even reaching the west coast of America via British actress, Thandie Newton, who came came across it and championed it on Twitter. The author would also like to acknowledge that the social media side of publication was run in conjunction with the digital team at Prospect Magazine.

Journalistic Writing

Social Media

@prospect_uk Link to social media content

Lindsay Pantry


I am submitting on behalf of The Yorkshire Post’s Loneliness: The Hidden Epidemic campaign, which launched in February 2014. The majority of work has been done by myself, with initial reporting by Ben Barnett, video journalism by Peter McNerney and photography by Bruce Rollinson.

Additional reporting and video can be found at We launched the Loneliness: The Hidden Epidemic campaign with two main aims, for loneliness to be universally recognised as a health priority in our communities and to encourage our readers to volunteer for support services. Back then, nine of the region’s health and wellbeing boards failed to give significant mention of loneliness and social isolation in their overarching strategies, a crucial document that sets out priorities for health and social care for the coming years. Four of these have now pledged action, but we want a firm commitment from all local authorities to tackle loneliness, which takes it toll on 91,300 older people in our region. The campaign has received high-profile support from leading politicians, including Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, charities like Contact the Elderly, Independent Age and Friends of the Elderly, and Silver Line founder Esther Rantzen. On April 8, the campaign took a huge step forward when it was asked by the national charity, the Campaign to End Loneliness to chair amd host a summit on loneliness. Almost 100 people attended and it brought together experts working on the ground to share best practice. During the last year we’ve seen investment in tackling loneliness in Calderdale, where £1m was set aside for voluntary and community groups working on loneliness, and in North Yorkshire where a similar amount was also set aside. There too, separate funding was given to a community connect service working in the most remote areas of the Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors. Leeds Council credited The Yorkshire Post’s campaign for their part in highlighting the issue in its winning bid for £6m of lottery funding in September. A project in Sheffield also won £6m. In May our campaign beat competition from 29 newspapers to win the Newspaper Society’s Making a Difference award, which highlighted the difference local newspapers can make in their communities, and was voted for by the public. In November, we were shortlisted alongside The Sunday Times, The Guardian and other national titles at the Older People In The Media Awards in the Best Factual Newspaper or Magazine Article About Older People’s Issues category. But perhaps most importantly, over the last 12 months The Yorkshire Post has also told the stories of real people suffering from loneliness, from the disabled pensioner stuck in her own home with only the TV for company, to the elderly man whose life has been transformed by weekly visits from a befriending service. As the anniversary of the first year of campaigning approaches, we are continuing to put pressure both locally and nationally on the authorities to take the issue seriously and are also preparing to launch two important initiatives which take the campaign back to the people who matter – those suffering from loneliness. In February we will host the first Friendship Lunch in a North Yorkshire pub, aimed at people who may not get out of the house much, and we will also launch an audio archive of real people telling their stories of loneliness on our website. This hard-hitting multi-media campaign will strike in a way that statistics sometimes do not.  

Journalistic Writing

Thousands in region suffering misery of loneliness – 2/8/2014, The Yorkshire Post No excuse to keep loneliness in the shadows – 4/9/2014, The Yorkshire Post Number of elderly people living alone and vulnerable set to rise – 6/23/2014, The Yorkshire Post Fears for lonely as councils fail to take action over epidemic – 2/08/2014, The Yorkshire Post Yorkshire’s shame as region branded worst for loneliness – 9/7/2014, The Yorkshire Post  


Video: regional loneliness summit hears calls for urgent action – 4/9/2014,  


‘Sundays are the worst… I just feel so alone’ – 8/2/2014, The Yorkshire Post

Lindsay Poulton


Credits: Jason Burke (writer), Lindsay Poulton (producer director), Francesca Panetta (executive producer and commissioning editor), David Levene (photographer)

THE SHIRT ON YOUR BACK is an interactive documentary about the Rana Plaza disaster in the context of the global fashion industry that knits us all together – it reminds the viewer that we are indeed part of the story. It was the worst industrial accident anywhere in the world for a generation – on 24 April 2013 a nine-story factory building on the outer edges of Dhaka collapsed. More than 1,130 people were killed and twice as many again were injured. They were making clothes sold in our high street stores. Right now, you could be wearing something made by one of them. Guardian journalists investigate the human cost of the global garment industry. This interactive documentary is a thought-provoking look at both the impact of the fast fashion industry, and the tragic events that took place on 24 April 2013. Combining compelling video footage with photography, infographics and written editorial we will take you to where millions make our clothes. While you’re with us, and them, we’ll keep track of how much they earn making our clothes and how much we spend buying them.  

Journalistic Writing

The Shirt on Your Back – 4/16/2014, The Guardian  


The Shirt On Your Back – 4/16/2014, The Guardian

Louise Tickle


I have been writing about domestic abuse for over a year now, and have come to realise that the tragic murders which hit the headlines are far from the only aspect of this horrendous, yet everyday, social evil that demands our urgent concern. Hundreds of thousands of victims and their children live with violence, threat, coercion and control every day of their lives. Some of those lives are blighted for decades. The dynamics of abuse within a family home are typically complex, and the effects can be devastating.

I spent four months researching the Guardian Weekend feature which explores how well – or not – victims’ risk levels are identified and addressed by police – and what happens when they get it wrong. Access was difficult: I contacted several police forces and only one agreed to have me in to see their domestic abuse response operation. The piece was planned to run immediately after publication of what turned out to be a scathing HMIC inspection report into the DV performance of all 43 police forces in England and Wales, and in the week following I received a number of emails in response from victims and relatives. Some of the research I wasn’t able to use for the Weekend feature led to other articles. In the case-study element of a two-parter for the Guardian’s Social Care Network, I featured “Gillian”, whose violent husband had just been jailed. She was at risk of her life on the day of the verdict – in case he got off – and again on the day of sentencing – in case he walked with time served.  After her perpetrator was jailed, the Legal Aid Agency refused to meet Gillian’s legal costs as she tried to change her children’s names and flee the area. She was terrified, desperate to move on, but unable to: she was sure she’d be hunted down and killed. It wasn’t an exaggerated fear: women are murdered by a partner or ex on on a regular basis. Sometimes their children are killed too. This was a short piece, but it was the most read on the Guardian’s Social Care Network on the day it was published. By this point, I was aghast and furious at the various failures in the system that were compounding the risks faced by vulnerable and traumatised people. The damage caused to children also makes me incredibly sad. I wanted a more structured way of exploring the pressures and dilemmas in victims’ lives, rather than the adhoc approach of trying to get one commission here and another there. Over a couple of days, I wrote a detailed proposal for a campaign, and approached Wendy Berliner who heads up editorial for the Guardian’s online Professional Networks. As domestic abuse is so central to the work of many public sector professionals, I hoped a series of linked articles would reach a good number of relevant and hopefully interested people. Wendy, together with the Guardian’s social policy editor David Brindle, were instantly keen, and invited me to a meeting at which we convinced the Network editors – Social Care, Health, Public Leaders, Housing, Student, Higher Education, Teacher and Voluntary Sector – to take it on. They would commission a range of content over a period of a few months (this is ongoing), some written by me, some by other journalists. The campaign launched on the UN’s Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls, 25 November 2014, with my feature about a multi-agency risk assessment conference (MARAC), which seeks to bring all agencies together to discuss an area’s highest risk victims. Gillian’s plight had continued to worry me. I thought about her a lot. By October 2014, almost a year after I’d first met her, I discovered she’d been turned down once again for legal aid. Children’s services were by now concerned for the family’s safety. And women’s organisations were also now telling me that restrictions to legal aid for domestic abuse victims introduced in the recently passed Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act were putting people in more danger. It seemed that every state system meant to protect a vulnerable person who was being attacked – and their children – was letting them down. Legal aid cuts are a complex topic, however, and I knew it would need a long-form approach to explore the ramifications fully.  I approached an editor new to me at the Guardian’s Saturday pages, Susanna Rustin. This section commissions up to 2,500 words. Wonderfully, given she didn’t know me at all, she commissioned a piece. I went back to Gillian (in this piece known as Alice) and asked her to talk to me again. This time, we met at her home, and sat on the sofa where she had been repeatedly raped by her husband, to do the interview. It was an easy interview – she is a remarkable and resilient person – but a difficult couple of hours: I wondered if I was sitting in front of someone I would write about 18 months hence when her ex-husband had come out of prison and killed her. Her local police force were deadly serious about the danger she was in. Social services were so concerned for the children’s welfare at this point that they were prepared to pay her legal costs. The legal aid agency was still saying she earned £27 too much to qualify for state support to access the protection of the court. This piece got a huge response: 3,145 social media shares and 91 comments, plus a slew of emails offering financial support for Alice, one from a man who had watched his mother being abused throughout his childhood, and who himself was still suffering the effects. Just before the piece ran, I decided to make a little film for the Guardian’s Professional Networks to try to get across what it’s like as a domestic abuse victim to end up in court all by yourself, possibly to be cross examined by your abuser. Making the film was only possible thanks to a week of pro-bono filming and technical expertise generously given by documentary company True Vision, and it went live on the Guardian’s online “front” page on 11 December, the day before the charity Rights of Women’s judicial review into the lawfulness of restricting legal aid for DV victims was heard at the High Court. The Storify I am submitting relates to a recent session at the Public Accounts Committee, in which evidence was given by Ministry of Justice civil servants as to the effects of legal aid cuts. Margaret Hodge was clearly angry. I watched the session live online, tweeted and retweeted others’ tweets as it happened, and then curated and published this Storify of my tweets and relevant others immediately afterwards.   Journalistic Writing Domestic abuse survivor: ‘Injunctions won’t stop my ex’ – 21/04/2014, The Guardian Domestic abuse: why did my sister have to die? – 4/5/2014, The Guardian, Weekend magazine Abused and afraid – and denied legal aid – 29/11/2014, The Guardian Domestic abuse: how professionals come together to support high risk victims – The Guardian, 25/11/2014  


Domestic abuse: “legal aid cuts leave women and children at risk” – 12/11/2014, The Guardian  

Social Media

@louisetickle DV victims: are legal aid cuts putting women in danger?

Times team


Extremists in Britain with links to Islamic State jihadists are offering cash payments to teenagers so they can travel to join terrorists in Syria, an investigation by The Times has found. A three-month undercover operation, in which reporters posed as two schoolgirls, has exposed the ease with which young British Muslims are being groomed, radicalised and facilitated in making the journey to join the foreign conflict. Take from the Times     Journalistic Writing Secrets of Britain’s teen terror trade uncovered – 12/19/2014, The Times  


Secrets of Britain’s teen terror trade uncovered (see video tab) – 12/19/2014, The Times  

Social Media

(See “read the messages” tab – our own digital presentation of some of the content from an investigation carried out almost entirely via social media.) (see “Read the messages” tab)