Saturday 25 February 2017 @ 09:30
School of Law, University of Warwick, Coventry
The Orwell Youth Prize’s Regional Workshops are for anyone in Year 12 or Year 13. The first 20 people to get in touch will get a place at the workshop. You don’t need to have had a workshop through your school to be eligible. If you would like to come, email us at
The workshops will bring together 40 young people interested in writing and current affairs to hear from professional renowned writers about writing techniques. You’ll get one-to-one feedback on your work, too. The day is free and bursaries towards the cost of travel to the workshop will be available.
The workshops will have five elements:
- Hearing from professional and renowned writers about writing techniques
- Exploring this year’s theme with writers, academics and others
- Meeting and working with other young people passionate about political writing
- Visiting a university, finding out more about university life
- The opportunity to discuss feedback on your draft entry
This year’s regional workshops are being held at:
Warwick University – Saturday 25th February 2017
Featuring writers Tom Sperlinger and Arifa Akbar
Book event