Welcome to the Orwell Prize’s library of works about George Orwell and his work, consisting of material exclusive to this site and links to external sites. Use the menu above to explore.
- Guide to Resources
- Encountering Orwell
- Biography
- Books by Orwell
- Essays and other works
- Rudyard Kipling
- Your Questions Answered: Wigan Pier
- George Orwell to Victor Gollancz, 9 May 1937
- Arthur Koestler
- Politics and the English Language
- George Orwell to Steven Runciman, August 1920
- Some Thoughts on the Common Toad
- Confessions of a Book Reviewer
- Looking Back on the Spanish War
- Pleasure Spots
- Just Junk – But Who Could Resist It?
- Good Bad Books
- Why I Write
- The Spike
- Notes on Nationalism
- Antisemitism in Britain
- Politics vs. Literature: An examination of Gulliver’s Travels
- Freedom of the Park
- A Day in the Life of a Tramp
- You and the Atom Bomb
- Reflections on Gandhi
- My Country Right or Left
- Nonsense Poetry
- Spilling the Spanish Beans
- In Defence of English Cooking
- A Nice Cup of Tea
- Review of The Pub and the People by Mass-Observation
- In Front of Your Nose
- John Flory – My Epitaph
- Extract, Preliminary to Autobiography
- Extract, The Autobiography of John Flory
- An Incident in Rangoon
- Extract, A Rebuke to the Author, John Flory
- A Hanging
- Shooting an Elephant
- Anonymous Review of Burmese Interlude by C. V. Warren
- Anonymous Review of Trials in Burma by Maurice Collis
- Poetry and the Microphone
- Free Will
- ‘Three parties that mattered’: extract from Homage to Catalonia
- Second Thoughts on James Burnham
- The Art of Donald McGill
- Voice – A Magazine Programme, 6
- Can Socialists Be Happy?
- The Freedom of the Press
- The Sporting Spirit
- British Cookery
- Freedom and Happiness (Review of ‘We’ by Yevgeny Zamyatin)
- The Proletarian Writer
- The Prevention of Literature
- The Moon Under Water
- Diaries
- Poetry
- Sometimes in the middle autumn days
- Kitchener
- The Pagan
- Suggested by a Tooth Paste Advertisement
- Summer-like for an instant
- A dressed man and a naked man
- On a Ruined Farm near the His Master’s Voice Gramophone Factory
- A Happy Vicar I Might Have Been
- St. Andrew’s Day, 1935
- The Italian Soldier Shook My Hand
- Articles
- The Orwell Youth Prize interviews Richard Blair
- For Libraries and Community Hubs | Orwell’s Down and Out: Live
- Further reading
- Orwell’s Last Christmas Card
- Eileen Blair to Miss Perriam, 17 January 1937
- Peter Davison: Note on The Road to Wigan Pier
- Gordon Bowker: George Orwell and the Church of England
- Peter Davison: Correspondence Between Orwell and P. G. Wodehouse
- Nikita Lalwani on judging The Orwell Prize
- Christopher Hitchens: Introduction to ‘Animal Farm’
- Gordon Bowker: Orwell’s London
- Francois Bordes: La gauche hétérodoxe et la réception d’Orwell en France (video)
- George Orwell at the BBC: a reflection
- Akala: Doublethink Interview (video)
- John Baxendale (Sheffield Hallam University): Orwell and Priestley – two ways of being a left-wing writer in 20th Century England
- Gordon Bowker: The Biography Orwell Never Wrote
- Gordon Bowker: Orwell on the S. S. Stratheden
- Gordon Bowker: Orwell’s Library
- Colin Brush: ‘It was a bright cold day in April…’
- Antoine Capet: George Orwell and the ‘phoney left’, 1939-1945 (video)
- James Walton: What a Carry On!
- Marina Remy Abrunhosa: Face-to-face encounters in Orwell’s early works – an aesthetics of the contemporary (video)
- Alan Cox: A reading of ‘An Incident in Rangoon’ (video)
- Gordon Bowker: The Road to Morocco
- Dominic Cavendish: Coming Up for Air revisited – Orwell, England, and the idea of escape (video)
- Bernard Crick: Orwell as a comic writer
- John Crowley, S. Romi Mukherjee: Orwell’s people (video)
- Peter Davison: George Orwell – A Life in Letters (video)
- Peter Davison: Introduction to Burmese Days preliminaries
- Peter Davison: Orwell – religion and ethical values
- Peter Davison: Bibliographical note on Orwell’s Morocco Diaries
- Sébastien Denis: La ferme des animaux revisitée – sur deux films et un album (video)
- Jacques Dewitte: Orwell, un conservateur-libéral-socialiste? (video)
- Olivier Esteves: Orwell, l’empire colonial et l’opinion publique britannique (video)
- Julio Etchart: Burmese Days Revisited
- Giora Goodman: George Orwell and the question of Palestine (video)
- Eric Hobsbawm: Intellectuals and the Spanish Civil War
- Charles Holdefer: ‘As surely doomed as the hippopotamus’ – George Orwell and the anachronistic writer (video)
- Douglas Kerr: Orwell, Kipling, and Empire
- Emma Larkin: Introduction to Burmese Days
- Christophe Le Dréau: George Orwell, icône de l’Europe unie (video)
- Sébastien Lefait: << The Big Screen is watching you >> – 1984 (Michael Radford) ou le Panopticon cinématographique (video)
- Dolores Martin: George Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia, Rethinking the Spanish Civil War (video)
- Joseph Maslen: Inside the whale of British communism (video)
- Ben Pimlott: Introduction to Orwell’s England
- Pat Rae: Modernist Orwell (video)
- Jean-Jacques Rosat: Ni anarchiste ni tory – Orwell et << la révolte intellectuelle>> (video)
- Loraine Saunders: George Orwell – A Master of Narration
- D. J. Taylor: An Oxfordshire Tomb
- D. J. Taylor: Orwell and the rats
- D. J. Taylor: Orwell’s Face
- D. J. Taylor: Orwell’s Voice
- D. J. Taylor: Big Brother – George Orwell Reflects
- D. J. Taylor: Orwell’s poetry
- Jeremy Tranmer: Big brother watching friends and foes? George Orwell and the British Left (video)
- Dione Venables: Orwell – Plain Speaking and Hidden Agendas
- Philippe Vervaecke: Orwell as heritage – commemorations of Orwell in contemporary Britain, c. 1994-2010 (video)
- D. J. Taylor: The Road to 1984 (video)
- Chris Durlacher: George Orwell – A Life in Pictures
- Peter Davison: Nightmare in Poland Street
- Ben Pimlott: Introduction to Nineteen Eighty-Four
- D. J. Taylor: A brief life