Stephen Manderson & Chris McLaughlin
Professor Green: Living in Poverty, The Garden Productions for BBC THREE & BBC ONE
With these documentaries on child poverty and cannabis, Professor Green, has confirmed himself as a unique voice to bring a broad and younger audience to the social issues of today. In Britain today, 1 in 4 children are growing up in poverty. These figures are set to rise. Professor Green has done well, but he grew up in a home with a lot of stress around money. In this immersive film, he sets out to uncover what life’s like for young people on the breadline and finds the hidden consequence is mental health. He spends time with 10-year-old Kelly-Louise and 14-year-old Tyler. Her family have been evicted, can’t afford a deposit on a new home and facing homelessness, her life is turned upside down. The impact of poverty and cramped emergency accommodation or Tyler are palpable.